The following list of former members had unclaimed capital credits from Central Electric Cooperative as of February 8, 2024. If you have a phone number or address for anybody on this list, please contact our office by phone at 1-800-477-2892 or 1-605-996-7516 during business hours.
Adams, Chantelle
Anderson, David E
Asfeld, David
Bad Moccasin, Dawn or Glyndon
Bad Moccasin, Glyndon
Bailey, George Jr
Baumgart, Melvin
Bearface, Kimberly
Beatch, Bertha
Beauregard, Arlyne
Begeman, John
Bennett, Michael H
Berens, Brad & Lisa
Big Eagle, Marilyn
Boom, James
Bricker, Jerry or Joyce
Bult, Leroy or Sperlich, Irene
Buttemeier, Nadine
Chapman, Bethany
Chapman, Mallory
Colombe, Collin
Colombe, Tally
Comes Flying, George or Wanda
Comes Flying, Wanda
Cornelison, Dan
Cr Cr Rodeo Club
& Elderly- Harold Miller
Culhane Motels
Curry, La Donna
Davenport, Rick
Davidson, David
Deal, Terry
Dean, Rose M
Decker, Ricky or Raquel
Decker, Tyler
Dion, Marvel
Dise, Josef or Boschee, Kolya
Doerr, Julie
Doop, Marlin or Susan
Drapeau, James
Drapeau, Verlyn
Durant, Paul
Ebersdorfer, Jan
Eggert, Brad
Ehlke, Marcella
Enfield, Jacob
Engelken, Loras
Erpenbach, Marie
Fischer, Curt
Fleury, Richard
Forbes, Kylie
Fouberg, Kathryn
Friebel, Greg
Gatto, Robert
Garrett, Sommer
Getty, Carlton or Alice
Gonzales, Margaret or Rochelle
Gravatt-Felicia, Glenda
Grey Owl, Tina F
Gunderson, Percy
Hall, Karla
Halverson, Arnold or Esther M
Hansen, Douglas C
Hawk, Alvin
Heggen, Jon
Heinsohn Digging & Tiling LTD
Hill, Roger or Terry
Hines, Scott
His Law, Natalie
Hirschkorn, Larry
Hoffman, Gene
Houde, Jacqueline
Howard, Christian
Isakson, Alfred or Munneke, Alvina
Isburg, Robert Jr
Jacobsen, Stephanie
Jensen, Dorothy or Gary
Johansen, Eric
Johnson, Janna or Fallis,Marilyn
Johnson, Robert D
Johnson, Robert M
Johnson, Robin
Jones, Bobby
Jones, Everett Sr or Jones, Clement
Jorgenson, Steve or Laura
Keleher, Patrick
Kelly, Bruce E or Bobbie
Keown, Joseph R
Kesterson, Ashley
Kinnear, Lynn
Kittelson, Wallace
Lapp, Richard
La Roche, Daecia
Larrington, Michael
Laverdure, Derek
Leonard, Johanna or Dobbersteins, RK
Lennick, Cassandra
Lopez, Tino
Malcom McKillop Trust
Marks, Randy
Marquez, Florence
McGhee, Kelly
McGhee, Susan
Mentele, Ursula
Midwest Mobile Communications or Friestad, L
Miller, Nancy
Miner, Rob
Mitchell Two Way Radio
Meyer, Michael G
Mlady, Randolph C
Moody, Terry
Moody, Wade
Moriarity, Mike
M-T Corner or Youngberg, Jordan
Mulloy, Shane
Neises, Bradley F
Nelson Farms or Botts, William
Neugebauer, Jerald
Neugebauer, Lincoln
Nielsen, Eudale
Northrup, Marvin
Nutter, Terry
Obago, Russell
Odegard, Carrie
Ogren, Ronald or Lynn
Onihan, Katherine
Penner, Donald
Phillips, Kira
Pietz, Thomas J
Powers, Patricia
Pruner, Steve
Quilt, Mitchell J
(Continued on next page)
Randall, Tim
Reifers, Gregg G
Renken, Delton
Resick, Austin
Ritchie, Deb
Robertson, Don
Romero, Paul
Roshau, Frank A Jr
Ross, Dan
Ross, Dennis
Sadler, Douglas
Sanow, Laurie
Satterlee, James or Dan
Sazue, Eric
Sazue, Mattea
Schaub, Constance
Schmidt, Jerome
Schreurs, Jay
Schwader, Eunice
SD Fireworks or Rich Brothers
Seaboy, Trinie Jr
Sell, Frank Jr
Shields, Pauline
Shields, William or Pauline
Shottenkirk Cattle Co
Siedschlaw, Robert
Sloan, William R
Starr, Earl
St John, Edmund
St John, Madonna
St John, Melvina or Madonna
Shoots the Enemy, Corbin
Sperlich, Irene
Spider, Darla
Sullivan, Raymond
Summers, Rayne
Surrounded, Audrey
Swenson, Clinton
Swenson, Don
Tankovich, James
Taylor, Renita
Termeer, Lynna
Teveldal, Kevin
Thigh, Hattie
Thomas, Wayne
Thompson, Amy
Thompson, John
Thompson, Jolene
Tines, David
Timmerman, Dennis
Truman, Gloria F
Uecker, Jeremy
Ulmer, Tim
Vanderpol, Douglas
Vanheerden, Christo or Shannon
Vetos, Lloyd
Versteeg, Verlyn
Veo, Kally
Wade, Kristal D
Wagaman, Mike
Waldner, Clint
Walker, Verlyn
Watson, Carl
Watson, Jeff
Weable, Daryl D
Weinberg, Marilyn
Wells, Brent
Wells, Kim
Wenande, John D
Wheeler, Kim
White Bead, Maudella
Williams, Trevor
Witt, Danielle
Wounded Knee, Werdna or Glenda
Yellow Wolf, Tom
Yost, William
Zimmerman, Douglas or Linda