Manage Your Account Online

Would you like to pay your electric bill at any time of day, night, or on the weekend? Are you ready to pay your bill but can’t find the statement or the envelope? Sign up for SmartHub using your email address and your electric account number. You can then view and pay your bill using Visa, Mastercard, Discover or e-check.

With SmartHub, you're able to do the following:

  • View/Update Account Information

  • View current and previous energy usage & charges

  • Make a payment or enroll in recurring payments

  • Update payment information

  • View/Print electric bills

  • Receive a monthly email when your bill is ready

Sign Into SmartHub Account

SmartHub New User Registration


One-Time Payment Online

  • Easily pay your bill with no registration required

  • Simply use your billing account number and last name/business name to access your account for payment.

Pay Online Now

Bank Draft or Recurring Credit/Debit Card

Looking for a hassle-free way to pay your bill each month? Sign up to have your payment automatically deducted from your bank account or credit card. To sign up, call 855-939-3738 press option 3 and follow the instructions on the line. You can also sign up through SmartHub.

Your payment will be debited from your account or credit card each month on the 15th. If the 15th falls on a holiday or weekend, it will be deducted on the next business day. You will still receive a bill each month and it will read "Do Not Pay - Paid by Bank Draft" or "Do Not Pay - Paid by Credit Card." You can stop payment of any entry by notifying the cooperative four (4) business days before the payment is scheduled to be deducted.

A $30 fee may be charged for a Bank Draft or Recurring Credit/Debit Card that is declined for any reason.

Prepaid Billing

What if paying your electric bill was like buying gas for your vehicle? With pay-as-you-go, members are able to purchase electricity when it's convenient. There are no late fees or monthly bills.

Request Pay-As-You-Go

Pay-As-You-Go Brochure

Terms & Conditions


Budget Billing

Budget billing is a program that offers members to pay a fixed billing amount each month and evenly spread the cost of electricity throughout the year.

The fixed amount is calculated based on your average usage for the 12 months.

Each May and November, the budget billing amount is evaluated according to your actual usage. The monthly fixed amount may increase, decrease or remain the same. You will be notified of any change on your statements in May and November. Any change will go into effect the following month.

There is no “catch up” month. Any credits or balances at the end of the year roll into the following year.

You may request to be removed from the budget billing plan at any time, but will be responsible for the bill in full at that time. Once you sign up for the budget billing plan, you must keep your account current in order to stay on the plan. If you become delinquent, you will go back to the regular method of being billing.

Contact us for more information.

Pay by Phone

Would you rather pay by phone? Call our secure, automated payment line at 855-939-3738, and have your electric account number ready. Follow the instructions on the line.

This automated payment option is a secure phone line to ensure our members the highest level of security when paying their bills and is in compliance with credit card use standards.

Drop Box/Payment Locations

For your convenience, members can pay at the following locations: 

Betts Road Service Center - Dropbox
25487 403rd Ave
I-90 Exit 325    
Mitchell, SD

Lode Star Casino Motel - Payment Kiosk

1003 SD-34

Fort Thompson, SD

Mailing Payments

Please mail your payment to Central Electric Cooperative, PO Box 850, Mitchell SD 57301-0850 in the envelope that was provided with your bill. Please allow enough time to ensure your  payment reaches our office by the due date to avoid a late fee. We do not use the postmark date on payments.