Our mission is to provide members with reliable service—day and night. Employees are continuously at work maintaining equipment, but despite our best efforts, severe and unusual weather can wreak havoc and cause power outages.
Always Be Prepared!
Put together an emergency kit that is easily accessible in case of a lengthy power outage or other natural event. Supplies should include:
Flashlight & fresh batteries. Always keep the batteries separate until you are ready to use them.
A battery operated or battery free (hand crank) radio. During an extended outage, listen to the local radio stations for updates and information.
Candles & matches.
Bottled drinking water. Be sure to store at least one gallon per person per day. If a storm is forecasted, fill the bathtub with water so bathroom facilities can still be used by pouring a bucket of water down the toilet to create a vacuum flush.
If you have a fireplace or wood stove, keep kindling and dry firewood on hand.
Clothing. Wear extra layers and cover your head with a hat. Have sleeping bags and blankets handy too.
Easy to prepare food items. Purchase items that don't require much cooking - canned or instant soups, stews or chili, packaged freeze-dried meals, and protein or breakfast bars are good to have on hand.
Can opener.
Gas camp stoves, lanterns or barbecues. NEVER use a camp stove or barbecue indoors! Be sure to use any lanterns on a flat, stable and non-flammable surface. Make sure to have extra fuel for cooking outdoors.
Ample supply of essential prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs. During a storm, road travel may not be possible for several days.
First aid kit. Make sure that all of the supplies are filled and ready to go.
Family and emergency contact information.
Games. Board games and cards are fun and handy to pass the time.
Be Proactive:
Install surge protectors to protect voltage sensitive equipment. You can purchase high quality surge protection devices from a variety of online dealers and local electricians.
Keep the freezer full. Milk jugs filled with water and placed in a half-full freezer can be a supply of both water and ice in an emergency. Also, it will keep the freezer colder longer if it is full. Check into purchasing dry ice to help prevent spoilage.
Keep your vehicle’s gas tank full.
Keep your cell phone charged.
What to Do In Case of An Outage:
If the lights go off, do the following first:
Check your electrical panel. Look for tripped breakers or blown fuses. Try to reset the breakers by switching them OFF then ON.
Call us at 1.800.477.2892. Remember to report any flashes, bangs or trees in lines that can help repair crews locate damage.
If your electricity will be off for an extended period of time, do the following:
Switch on an outside light. This may assist our crews in determining whether or not your power has been restored late into the night.
Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed. Food in a refrigerator will last 12 to 24 hours if the doors are kept closed. A full freezer can last 24 to 48 hours. Helpful Hint: You can drape a sleeping bag over your refrigerator or freezer for added insulating value in case of an extended power outage.
Turn off major appliances. The water heater and heating system breakers need to be turned off to avoid overloading your circuits when the power is restored. Unplug any voltage-sensitive equipment.
Run off from roof tops can be collected and used for washing, but do not drink it. A water heater can supply drinking water. Be sure the breaker is OFF before you drain it, and be sure to fill it before turning the breaker back on.
Please let the repair crews do their job. It's tempting to stop crews and ask questions about when the power is going to be restored, but this only delays the restoration process. Remember that while the crews want to be helpful, they also want to restore your power quickly so they too can get home to their families.
Be a good neighbor. Severe storms usually increase the number of accidents and medical problems. Remember this increases the response time for service agencies. You may want to organize people in your area to check on each other and lend assistance.
If not used correctly, portable generators can cause fatal accidents involving the workers on the lines. Plug appliances into the generator. DO NOT connect household breaker circuits to the generator without a "double-throw switch" installed by a licensed electrician.