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New Load Management Receiver Installation FAQ
We are stepping into the next generation of energy management, also known as load management. In 2024, Central Electric started the process of upgrading load management receivers along with several neighboring East River Electric cooperatives.
Load management is the voluntary practice of managing electric usage during times of peak demand on the electric system when it costs more to purchase and use power. By managing energy usage on grain bin fans, irrigation pivots, air conditioners and water heaters, your cooperative is able to greatly reduce wholesale power purchases.
East River Electric Power Cooperative, Central Electric's wholesale supplier, has been operating the load management system since 1985 and has saved members more than $200 million in avoided wholesale power costs. These loads include electric water heaters, air conditioners, grain bin fans, irrigation systems and large industrial processes. Central Electric members willing to put electric loads under load management are eligible for special rebates and electric rates.
Load management is initiated through a highly sophisticated system that communicates with receivers connected to various energy-consuming devices, such as water heaters. East River operates the system on behalf of its member systems to moderate wholesale power costs, improve system efficiencies, and provide member-owners with energy options.
If extra receivers are available, members may be eligible to volunteer for the program. Participating members may be eligible for rebates and incentives. For more information, call the office at 1-800-477-2892.
East River Electric's Load Management Web Site
(ON) means electricity is on. (OFF) means the load is being controlled.
Notification of Load Management and Peak-Use Periods
Members can receive a 30-minute text message alert that the system is approaching a peak-use period. Text message or email notifications are available for load control times by contacting our office at 800-477-2892 or 605-996-7516.